HTML Tutorial: Data Structures, Title, Script, Link, Headers & Meta Tags | Web Development #3

 Introduction to Web Development

In this course, we covered various aspects of web development, starting with the basics of HTML and CSS.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It provides the structure and content of a webpage and includes elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, and images.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. It allows web developers to separate the content of a webpage from its presentation and includes properties such as font size, color, and layout.

Study Hack:

One study hack for web development is to practice coding regularly and break down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks. Additionally, utilizing online resources and seeking help from experienced developers can help improve skills and knowledge.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including web development. AI can be used to improve website usability, optimize content for search engines, and personalize user experiences.

Code Example:

    <!DOCTYPE html>




       <style>          body {            background-color: #f2f2f2;          }          h1 {            color: blue;          }        </style> 



        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>       

 <p>This is an example webpage.</p>     



The above code is an example of an HTML document, which includes a stylesheet written in CSS to change the background color and font color of the webpage.

Introduction to Website Structure:

In this article, we will be focusing on the basic structure of a website using JavaScript. Assuming that you have already installed VS code and Liveserver, we will take things further by creating three files including CSS.

When it comes to web development, two important languages are JavaScript and HTML. However, for this discussion, we will only be focusing on HTML and not worry about the contents of CSS and JS files.

So, let's dive into HTML.

If you hold down the control button and scroll, you can zoom in and out. This feature can be customized in the settings, as explained in a previous article.

To disable this feature, simply remove it from the settings.

If you're looking to streamline your HTML coding process, Emmet Abbreviation can be a helpful tool. With this tool, you can create boilerplate HTML code quickly and easily. Simply select the appropriate abbreviation and the tool will generate the necessary code for you.

The generated code is essentially a template that you can use to create your HTML file. This can save you time and effort when creating new web pages or updating existing ones.

Here's a brief explanation of DOCTYPE HTML:

DOCTYPE html is a document type declaration for HTML documents.

By using DOCTYPE HTML, we tell the browser this is an HTML document.

There are different types of documents that browsers can understand, but we're focusing on HTML here.

In HTML, we use different types of documents, but the most commonly used is HTML. The browser understands many types, but we use HTML to tell the browser that this is an HTML file. To do this, we use the DOCTYPE html statement.

A tag is a way to open and close an element. For example, we open the html tag and close it at the end. We can also add attributes to the tag, such as lang to specify the language.

There are two main sections in HTML: head and body. The head contains information about the document, while the body contains the actual content that the user sees.

Understanding HTML Head and Body:

When creating an HTML document, it is divided into two parts: the head and the body. Let's take a closer look at what each of them contains.

The Head:

The head section of an HTML document contains all the meta tags that are used to describe a website. Meta tags provide information about the webpage to search engines and other web services. They include:

Title tag: This is used to specify the title of the webpage which appears in the browser tab.

Description tag: This provides a brief description of the webpage which can appear in search engine results.

Keywords tag: This specifies the keywords or phrases which are relevant to the webpage content.

Author tag: This specifies the author of the webpage.

Viewport tag: This specifies the size and scale of the webpage for mobile devices.

The Body:

The body section of an HTML document contains all the content that is displayed on the webpage. This includes:

Headings: These are used to define the main sections of the webpage and provide structure.

Paragraphs: These are used to provide detailed information about a topic.

Images: These are used to add visual elements to the webpage.

Lists: These are used to organize information into bullet points or numbered lists.

Links: These are used to connect one webpage to another.

Forms: These are used to collect information from users such as login forms or contact forms.

Overall, the head and body sections work together to create a well-structured and informative webpage.

It's important to note that simply explaining something doesn't necessarily mean that you will fully understand it and retain the information. In addition, I will also guide how to effectively use this course as a reference tool.


Here are some tips for using this course as a reference:

Take detailed notes while going through the material

Highlight key points or formulas that you may need to refer back to

Organize your notes and highlights in a way that makes sense to you

When you need to refresh your memory on a certain topic, refer back to your notes and highlights

By following these tips, you can use this course as a valuable reference tool to aid in your studies.

Purpose of Tutorial:

The purpose of this tutorial is to understand the head of HTML. We will start by reviewing the basic structure of HTML and then go into detail about what is written in the head and body sections.

Creating a New File

To start, open VS Code and create a new file called article.html. Then, create a new file named tut4.html using the basic Emmet abbreviation (type "!"). Press enter and the file is ready to be edited.

Understanding the Head Section

In the head section, we see the meta charset= '' UTF-8 '' tag which indicates the character set being used in the HTML file.

One way to improve your website's visibility on search engines is to inform them about how your website can help their users. This can be done through various optimization techniques.

For example, you can use relevant keywords in your content and meta tags, create quality backlinks from reputable websites, and ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and has a good page loading speed.

By doing these things, search engines will recognize the value of your website and show it to users who are searching for related content.

Understanding SEO and Search Engine Optimization:

In simple terms, Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of optimizing a website to improve its ranking and visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). This is done by making changes to the website’s design and content to make it more attractive to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

One of the key components of SEO is the use of meta tags. These HTML tags provide information about a web page to search engines. The most important meta tags are the title tag and the meta description tag. The title tag is what appears at the top of the browser when you view a web page. It should be brief, descriptive, and contain the keywords that you want to rank for. The meta description tag provides a summary of what the page is about. It should be compelling, informative, and contain the keywords that you want to rank for.

However, simply using meta tags is not enough to rank a website on search engines. The website must also have high-quality content that is relevant to the user’s search query. This means that the website should have a clear structure, use appropriate headings and subheadings, and provide valuable information to the user. In addition, the website should load quickly and be mobile-friendly.

By following these best practices, search engines like Google can easily crawl and index your website, and display it in the search results when users search for relevant keywords. This can help drive more traffic to your website and increase your visibility online.

Optimizing Link Previews on Social Media Platforms:

When sharing a link on social media, it's important to ensure that the preview looks appealing to potential viewers. Here are some tips:

Use a clear and attention-grabbing title for your post

Include relevant hashtags to improve visibility

Ensure that the link is working properly

Use high-quality images or videos in the preview

By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your link being clicked and shared by others on social media.

Meta tags can make all the difference in deciding various aspects of a website. While we won't examine them too closely here, VS Code can generate them for us. Below are the meta tags:

Meta description

Meta keywords

Meta robots

Understanding Charset and UTF-8 Encoding

The charset="UTF-8" attribute is used to declare the character encoding of a webpage. It indicates that the character set used will be UTF-8, which is a widely used character encoding standard. Authors are encouraged to use UTF-8 because it supports a wide range of characters from different languages and scripts.

Our encoding is UTF-8 and will not go beyond that.

The next meta tag is for encouraging responsive design. It sets the width to be equal to the device width and the initial scale to 1.0.

The X-UA-Compatible tag is for Internet Explorer. Writing "ie=edge" ensures that the latest version of IE is used.

To ensure the highest compatibility, the content should be displayed in compatibility mode for users of Internet Explorer (IE). However, it is worth noting that IE has caused problems for web developers in the past and is now used by a small percentage of people, mostly older individuals who do not update their computers.

After typing an exclamation mark and hitting enter, it provides auto-complete options. It's better to use this tool than to ask questions about it.

Emmet: A High-Speed HTML Coding and Editing Tool

If you're looking for a way to speed up your HTML coding and editing process, Emmet is the tool for you. This set of plug-ins for text editors provides a fast and efficient way to write HTML code.

Emmet is built into VS code, so you don't need to download or install anything extra. Once you start using it, you'll be amazed by how quickly you can write HTML code.

If you're using VS code, you may be familiar with Emmet. It's built into VS code and makes coding faster and more efficient. To get started, use this boilerplate and quickly add a title.

Heading Paragraphs and Emmet for Efficient Coding:

When it comes to coding, time is of the essence. To save time, use shortcuts like Emmet which allow you to write code quickly. After writing your code, save it using Ctrl + S. Once you're ready to preview your work, click on "go live" to start a live server.

When working with HTML, make sure to include a title tag in the head section. As for the body section, start by writing your content. Use the h1 tag for your main heading, and take advantage of Emmet's suggestions to speed up your coding process.

Write my name

This is Ali

Some possible paraphrasing:

The speaker asks someone to write their name and then introduces themselves as Ali.

The speaker prompts the audience to write their name and identify themselves as Ali.

After requesting the audience to write down their name, the speaker introduces themselves as Ali.

There is no mathematical formula or code in this passage.

The headers, bullet points, and summary are optional and serve to enhance the readability and organization of the text.

What is it?

Heading tags are used to define headings on a webpage. They come in a range of sizes, with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest. Anytime I talk about tags, remember that they always end with an opening tag and a closing tag. For example, the opening tag for h1 is <h1>, while the closing tag is </h1>.

If I want to move from h1 to h2, I change the tag to <h2>. However, for this demonstration, I will stick with h1.

Heading and Subheading

Here are a few paragraphs about the topic at hand. It's important to note that headings are an essential part of structuring your content. In HTML, we have different levels of headings. The <h1> tag is the largest and used for the main title or heading of your page.

Additionally, we have <h2> tags which are used for subheadings. These help break up content into smaller, more manageable sections.

Study Hacks:

 Tips for Learning More Effectively

Learning can be challenging, but many study hacks can help you learn more effectively. Here are a few tips:

Bullet Points:

Break up your study sessions into shorter, more frequent sessions

Use active studying techniques, such as summarizing information in your own words or teaching the material to someone else

Get enough sleep and exercise to help your brain function at its best

Organize your study materials and keep your workspace clean and free of distractions


Active Studying Techniques: Summarize information and teach material to someone else = Better retention and understanding


Why is it important to study effectively?

Studying effectively can help you retain information better and achieve better grades. It can also save you time and reduce stress.

How can technology help with studying?

There are many apps and tools available that can help you study more effectively, such as flashcard apps, note-taking software, and study schedule planners.


function studyHack() {    // Break up study sessions    setInterval(studySession, 25);    // Summarize information    function summarize(info) {      return info.split(' ').slice(0, 10).join(' ') + '...';    }    // Teach material to someone else    function teach() {      // Code to find a study partner    }    // Additional code for organizing materials, getting enough sleep and exercise, etc.  }


By implementing these study hacks, you can improve your learning and achieve better results in your academic or professional pursuits.

HTML Headings and Paragraphs

When writing HTML, we use different heading tags to indicate the hierarchy of information on a page. The most important heading is the h1 tag, and it goes down to h6 for lesser important headings.

Here is an example:

This is an h1 heading

This is an h2 heading

This is an h3 heading

This is an h4 heading

This is an h5 heading

This is an h6 heading

As you can see, the size of the heading decreases as the number increases.

Another important tag in HTML is the paragraph tag. This is used to indicate a block of text.

For example:

This is our paragraph tag. Anytime we have to write a paragraph, we enclose the text within these tags.

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