HTML Tutorial: Forms & Input Tags, Lists & Tables | Web Development Tutorials #4

& Tables | Web Development Tutorials #8

We have learned a lot in this course of our web development. Now, let's move on to our next topic: 

links and images.

When dealing with links and images, it's important to remember a few key points:

HTML is a straightforward language.

The concepts that come after HTML, such as CSS, can be more complex.

The Meaning of Boilerplate Code

Boilerplate code refers to sections of code that are repeated in multiple places throughout a software program. It is often used as a template or starting point for new projects. The term "boilerplate" comes from the printing industry, where metal plates were used to create standardized, reusable sections of text.

In the context of software development, boilerplate code can include common tasks such as setting up a database connection, handling user authentication, or defining the structure of a web page. These are tasks that are necessary for many projects but can be time-consuming to write from scratch each time.

Benefits of Boilerplate Code

There are several benefits to using boilerplate code in software development:

Time-saving: By reusing code snippets, developers can save time and effort, especially for repetitive tasks.

Consistency: Boilerplate code ensures that common functionalities are implemented consistently across different parts of a project.

Best practices: Boilerplate code often incorporates best practices and industry standards, providing a solid foundation for new projects.

Readability: Using boilerplate code can make the codebase easier to read and understand, as developers familiar with the template can quickly grasp its structure and purpose.

Examples of Boilerplate Code

Some examples of boilerplate code include:



     <title>My Website</title>

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">   



     <header>        <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>      </header>     

 <nav> <ul>  <li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>          

<li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>          

<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>  </ul>      </nav> 

     <main>        <h2>Welcome to My Website</h2>        

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at justo in tortor lacinia aliquet. Vivamus ultricies semper mauris, eu semper nunc euismod id. Curabitur ac porttitor libero. Sed mollis urna tellus, non tincidunt dui consectetur sit amet. Morbi aliquet neque et odio fermentum convallis. Sed auctor, sapien nec aliquet ultrices, lectus libero dignissim nisi, ut interdum leo orci vel nunc. Morbi in ultricies leo. Nulla facilisi. Integer ac risus id nunc eleifend consectetur non vel lacus. Sed quis est at nulla varius vehicula id eget lectus. Sed malesuada, dolor a cursus eleifend, leo sem aliquet nulla, quis faucibus mi turpis nec ligula. Proin nec faucibus urna. Sed et ipsum sed mauris elementum fermentum. Quisque imperdiet sodales ligula. Vivamus sed convallis mi. Etiam a aliquet elit.</p>      


<footer>        <p>© 2022 My Website. All rights reserved.</p>      </footer>    



In this example:

The HTML code for a basic website layout is provided as boilerplate code. It includes the necessary tags and structure for a typical webpage, such as the <head> section, navigation menu, main content area, and footer.


Boilerplate code is a valuable tool in software development, allowing developers to save time and ensure consistency in their projects. By reusing common code snippets, developers can focus on implementing unique features and functionalities, rather than reinventing the wheel for every project.

Go to Google and write here.

As soon as it's clicked on "Go to Google", we will reach Google.

By clicking on "Go to Google", we will be redirected to the Google website.

As you can see here, I will back up so I am back on my website.

Along with that, I can make more links like this. Here I can do Facebook and here I can do Twitter and here I can do LinkedIn.

Okay, here I have LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

After performing this action, you will be redirected to Google. If you perform this action on Facebook, you will be redirected to Facebook. Similarly, if you perform this action on Twitter, you will be redirected to Twitter. And if you perform this action on LinkedIn, you will be redirected to LinkedIn.

Website Link Management:

When managing our important links on a website, we often face the issue of them opening in the same tab. However, we would prefer to keep the current tab open and open the link in a new tab by right-clicking.


To achieve this, we can use the following code:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="no opener no-referrer">Link Text</a>    

This code adds the target="_blank" attribute to the anchor tag. This tells the browser to open the link in a new tab or window. The rel="no opener no-referrer" attribute is added for security reasons.


Let's say we have a link to Google:

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="no opener no-referrer">Google</a>    

When this link is clicked, it will open Google in a new tab while keeping the current tab open.


In summary, to open a link in a new tab by right-clicking, we need to add the target="_blank" attribute to the anchor tag. This ensures that the current tab remains open while the linked page opens in a new tab.

When you click on a link, you may want it to open in a new tab instead of the same tab. To achieve this, you can use the "target" attribute. Tags are used to define elements in HTML, like the <body> label.

a is a tag and href is its attribute. There is a difference between a tag and an attribute. href is an attribute that can have other attributes as well.

Tables and Lists:

In this tutorial, we will discuss tables and lists in HTML.


A table is a way to organize data into rows and columns. It is created using the <table> tag.

Creating a Table:

To create a table, we need to use the <table> tag. Inside the table, we can use the <tr> tag to create rows and the <td> tag to create cells.

<table>  <tr>    <td>Cell 1</td>    <td>Cell 2</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Cell 3</td>    <td>Cell 4</td>  </tr></table>

Formatting a Table

We can format a table using CSS to change the appearance of the table, such as the border, background color, etc.

table {  border: 1px solid black;  background-color: lightgray;}td {  border: 1px solid black;  padding: 5px;}


A list is used to present information in a structured way. There are two types of lists in HTML: ordered lists and unordered lists.

Ordered Lists:

An ordered list is a numbered list. It is created using the <ol> tag.

<ol>  <li>Item 1</li>  <li>Item 2</li>  <li>Item 3</li></ol>

Unordered Lists

An unordered list is a bulleted list. It is created using the <ul> tag.

<ul>  <li>Item 1</li>  <li>Item 2</li>  <li>Item 3</li></ul>


In this section, we will discuss lists and their usage. Lists are used to group items together and can be very useful in organizing data or information.

Types of Lists:

There are three types of lists in HTML:

Ordered lists (ol): These are numbered lists where each item is assigned a number.

Unordered lists (ul): These are bullet-point lists where each item is preceded by a bullet point.

Description lists (dl): These are lists where each item is defined by a term and followed by a description.

Creating Lists:

To create a list, we use the corresponding HTML tags. Here is an example of an ordered list:

<ol>  <li>Item 1</li>  <li>Item 2</li>  <li>Item 3</li></ol>

Here is an example of an unordered list:

<ul>  <li>Item 1</li>  <li>Item 2</li>  <li>Item 3</li></ul>

Finally, here is an example of a description list:

<dl>  <dt>Term 1</dt>  <dd>Description 1</dd>  <dt>Term 2</dt>  <dd>Description 2</dd>  <dt>Term 3</dt>  <dd>Description 3</dd></dl>


Lists are a great way to organize information in HTML. Whether you need a numbered list, a bullet-point list, or a description list, HTML provides the necessary tags to create them.


Lists are a way to organize and present information in a structured format. There are two types of lists: unordered lists (ul) and ordered lists (ol).

Unordered List;

This is the first item on my unordered list.

This is the second item on my unordered list.

This is the third item on my unordered list.

Ordered List;

This is the first item on my order list.

This is the second item on my order list.

This is the third item on my order list.

HTML Lists;

In HTML, there are two types of lists: ordered lists and unordered lists.

Ordered List;

An ordered list is used to present information in a numbered format.

Unordered List;

An unordered list is used to present information in a bulleted format.

It looks like this as you see numbers come by doing 1 2.

3 And after that there is this unordered list where you can see the bullets are coming So if I write ( ol and ul attributes ) here on the net Because I do not remember it to be honest I want to see what is ordered list and unordered list how to change all these things here 1

Study Hack:

AI to Generate HTML Blog Content

In this article, we will explore a useful study hack that utilizes AI to generate HTML blog content. This technique will allow you to create blog posts with formulas, bullet points, headers, and code, making your content more engaging and organized.

Step 1: Generating HTML Code

The first step in this study hack is to generate the HTML code for your blog post. This can be done using AI-powered tools that convert plain text into HTML format. By inputting your text into these tools, you can easily transform it into a visually appealing and well-structured blog post.

Step 2: Adding Formulas

If your blog post requires the inclusion of mathematical or scientific formulas, you can easily add them using HTML. Some specific tags and codes can be used to represent formulas in HTML format. By incorporating these formulas into your blog post, you can enhance its educational value and make it more informative.

Step 3: Using Bullet Points

Another effective way to organize your blog post is by using bullet points. HTML provides tags that allow you to create bullet point lists. By using these tags, you can present information in a concise and easy-to-read manner. This will help your readers grasp the main points of your content quickly.

Step 4: Creating Headers

Headers are essential for structuring your blog post and making it more scannable. HTML offers different header tags that allow you to create different levels of headings. By utilizing these tags, you can divide your content into sections and sub-sections, making it easier for your readers to navigate through the blog post.

Step 5: Including Code

If your blog post involves programming or coding, you can include code snippets using HTML. By using the <code> and <pre> tags, you can display code in a visually distinct manner. This will help your readers differentiate between regular text and code, making it easier for them to follow along.

Step 6: Summarizing Text

To make your blog post more readable and concise, it is essential to summarize large blocks of text. By paraphrasing and condensing the information, you can present the main ideas more succinctly. This will help your readers grasp the key points without getting overwhelmed by excessive text.


You can create visually appealing and well-structured blog posts by utilizing AI to generate HTML blog content. Incorporating formulas, bullet points, headers, and code will enhance the educational value of your content and make it more engaging. Additionally, summarizing large blocks of text will help your readers grasp the main ideas quickly. So, give this study hack a try and take your blog posts to the next level!

So here I am looking at it, and according to me, the "type" is an attribute. Look, it is written here: "Use the type attribute to customize the identifier before each list item. If you write type=type=1 type=."

Study Hacks;

In this article, I will show you a study hack that can greatly improve your learning experience. By following this simple technique, you will be able to retain information more effectively and study more efficiently.

1. Use Bullet Points and Headers

When taking notes or organizing your study materials, it is helpful to use bullet points and headers. This allows you to break down complex information into smaller, more manageable chunks. Bullet points help to highlight key points and make them easier to remember. Headers provide structure and help you organize your thoughts.

2. Utilize Formulas and Equations

If you are studying subjects that involve formulas and equations, it is important to familiarize yourself with them. Write down the formulas and practice using them in different scenarios. This will help you understand the underlying concepts and apply them correctly during exams or assignments.

3. Incorporate Code and Examples

If you are studying computer programming or any subject that involves coding, it is beneficial to incorporate code snippets and examples into your study materials. This allows you to see how different concepts are applied in practical scenarios. Practice writing code and analyzing examples to solidify your understanding.

4. Summarize Large Blocks of Text

When faced with large blocks of text, it can be overwhelming to read and comprehend everything. Instead, try summarizing the main points or key ideas in your own words. This will help you grasp the main concepts and retain information more effectively. Summarizing also forces you to actively engage with the material.

5. Keep It Succinct

To maximize your study efficiency, it is important to keep your study materials succinct. Avoid lengthy and unnecessary explanations. Instead, focus on the core concepts and key information. This will save you time and make your studying more focused and effective.

Today, we will be discussing HTML forms. Forms are an essential topic in HTML, and we will cover everything you need to know from start to finish. To get started, let's create a new file called tut8.html and apply the necessary boilerplate code.

Form Tutorial: 

What it is and How to Use it

In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to use forms in HTML. First, let's add the form tag:


When you add the form tag, many suggestions will appear. For now, just press enter. It will ask for the form action, which might confuse beginners. But don't worry, I'll explain it in detail.

You will need to use a backend to process the form data. For example, if you are using PHP as a backend:

Add the action attribute to your form tag:

<form action="submit.php"></form>

Create a submit.php file on your server to process the form data.

To submit data from a form, an endpoint is required. This endpoint is where all the data from the form gets submitted. In this example, the endpoint is backend.php. The form is instructed to submit all data to this endpoint.

To submit data to the backend.php, we need to collect the data from the user using a form. In order to do this, we need to add input tags to the form. An input tag is where the user will provide their input, which can be in the form of text, numbers, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

Using Forms in HTML;

Forms are an essential part of modern websites. They allow users to input data and submit it to a server for processing. HTML provides several elements for creating forms, including:

<button>: used to create a clickable button

<input type="checkbox">: used to create a checkbox

<input type="date">: used to create a date picker

To create a form, you need to use the <form> element. This element should contain the form elements, such as buttons, checkboxes, and date pickers. When the user submits the form, the data is sent to a server for processing.

Here's an example of a simple form:

<form action="/process-form" method="POST">  <label for="name">Name:</label>  <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br>    <label for="email">Email:</label>  <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br>    <input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>

In this example, we have two input fields for the user's name and email address. We also have a submit button that the user can click to submit the form.

When the user submits the form, the data is sent to the server specified in the action attribute of the <form> element. The method attribute specifies the HTTP method that should be used to send the data. In this case, we're using the POST method.

Forms can be used for a variety of purposes, such as user registration, contact forms, and search boxes. By using HTML forms, you can create interactive and engaging websites that provide a great user experience.

Inputting Text;

When it comes to inputting text, we can use the "type=text" attribute in HTML. For example, if we want to input a person's name, we can use the following code:

<label for="name">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name">

In the above code, we have a label "Name:" followed by an input element with the type set to "text". Users can then type their name in the input field.

To create a line break after the "Role" text, you have two options. First, you can use the "br" tag to force a line break. Alternatively, you can add the role attribute on the next line to separate it visually from the previous text.

If you want to structure your HTML code, one of the best ways to do it is by using a division tag or div tag. The purpose of the div tag is to create a division or section in your code. By using the div tag, you can group related elements together and apply formatting and styling to them as a group.

For example, if you have a section of your webpage that you want to format differently from the rest of the page, you can enclose that section with a div tag and apply formatting and styling rules to that div tag. This way, you can keep your code organized and make it easier to maintain and modify in the future.

Here's some text within a div. I've also separated it into different divs to show the effect. Take a look at the code below to see how it's structured.

Item 1

Item 2

As you may have noticed, the list above is also within the div. This is because it's important to structure your HTML properly for optimal formatting.


      <p>Text goes here</p>


        <li>Item 1</li>

        <li>Item 2</li>



Lastly, you may have noticed that the text above this paragraph is a bit bunched up. This is because the input tag is an inline element, which means it doesn't take up the full width of the div. To fix this, you can either change the input tag to a block element or add some CSS to adjust the spacing.

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