HTML Tutorial: Inline and Block Tags | Web Development Tutorials #5

 | Web Development Tutorials #5

Inline and Block Elements

Before we dive into the topic, let me remind you to access the playlist for this tutorial. It's important to watch the videos in order, as they build upon each other. Skipping ahead may cause you to miss important information.

If you're new to HTML, I recommend starting from the beginning. However, even if you have some knowledge already, it's always helpful to refresh your understanding.

Study Hack: Learn New Things with Inline and Block Elements

Are you ready to expand your knowledge? In this blog post, I guarantee that you'll learn new things. I've taken the time to break down advanced subjects into easy-to-understand steps for absolute beginners. So, let's dive in and explore the world of inline and block elements.

Understanding Inline Elements

Inline elements are elements that do not create a new line. They can be placed within a paragraph or other inline elements. Examples of inline elements include:

<span>: Used to style a specific part of the text.

<a>: Used for hyperlinks.

<em>: Used to emphasize text.

Exploring Block Elements

Block elements, on the other hand, create a new line and take up the full width available. They can contain other block or inline elements. Some common block elements include:

<p>: Used for paragraphs.

<div>: Used to group elements together.

<h1> to <h6>: Used for headings.

Putting it into Practice

Now that you understand the basics of inline and block elements, it's time to put your knowledge into practice. Try creating a simple webpage using both types of elements. Experiment with different styles and layouts to see how they affect the appearance of your content.

Remember, learning is a process, so don't be afraid to try new things and make mistakes. With practice, you'll become more comfortable with using inline and block elements in your web development projects.

This is a paragraph. If I press Ctrl + S and go live, you'll ask me why I'm wasting time. It will display this paragraph.

In this way. It's still in the same place. It's in the same place after reloading too. I want this paragraph to be here and this paragraph to be in the same line. Why did this paragraph jump to a different line? I want them in the same line. A paragraph is a block element. Block element means it takes up the entire width. Any next element will be after it. If I span this paragraph and span this as well, then see what happens. There's this paragraph and this is also a paragraph. This happened because the span tag is an inline element. That means

It can be in a single line. If I write storm in this way. There's this is a paragraph. I'll make it this is a span. If I write it in this way. I'll make it span. Wherever I click while pressing alt my cursors will be formed there. See how I do this. I made a mistake here. Write span here.

It doesn't matter. I'll quickly fix it. And I made it; this is also a span. So, span-span twice. See this; this is a span.




Alright, guys in our HTML course we saw many things. Now, here I will tell you about the ideal classes. An ideal class is a very important concept. If you haven't accessed this playlist until now, then access it and bookmark it now. Save it and let's move forward.

And while moving forward, I will write tutorial 10. I will write tut10.html. And after that, over here...yes, you guessed it right.

Study Hacks Using AI

In this blog post, we will discuss some study hacks that can be enhanced with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technology can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of studying, making it easier for students to grasp and retain information.

Boiler Plate Addition

To add a boilerplate, simply follow these steps:

Copy the boilerplate code.

Paste it into your document.

Press enter.

By following these steps, your boilerplate will be added to your document effortlessly.

Empty Body

After adding the boilerplate, your body section will be empty. This is where you can start adding your own content.

Paraphrasing Text

If you find that the text in your study materials is difficult to understand or too lengthy, you can use AI to paraphrase it. AI-powered paraphrasing tools can simplify complex sentences and make the content more digestible.

Summarizing Text

When faced with a large block of text, it can be overwhelming to read and comprehend every detail. AI can help by summarizing the main points of the text, providing a concise overview that is easier to grasp.

Bullet Points

Using bullet points is an effective way to organize information and make it more visually appealing. AI tools can assist in generating bullet points from paragraphs, saving you time and effort in structuring your study materials.

Headers and Subheaders

Headers and subheaders are useful for categorizing and organizing different sections of your study materials. AI can suggest appropriate headers based on the content, ensuring a logical flow and easy navigation for studying.

Code Snippets

If you are studying a programming language or working on coding assignments, including code snippets in your study materials can be helpful. AI can assist in generating code snippets based on the language and specific requirements, making it easier for you to understand and practice.


By incorporating AI into your study routine, you can optimize your learning experience and make studying more efficient. From paraphrasing and summarizing text to generating bullet points, headers, and code snippets, AI technology offers a range of study hacks that can enhance your understanding and retention of information.

HTML Tutorial: Id's and Classes

In this tutorial, we will learn about IDs and classes in HTML.

Ids and classes are essential elements in HTML. They are used to identify and style specific elements on a web page.

Suppose I added these as classes. Now, what do these two things mean? Let's understand this.

Suppose there is any child. When a child is born, a name is given to him/her.

There can be multiple elements with the same ID, but each ID should be unique to a specific element. For example, if I assign the id "mailbox" to a specific div, I should not assign the same id to another div. The id serves as an identifier for the element, distinguishing it from others. So, if I already have an element with the id "mailbox", I cannot assign that id to another element.

HTML Basics: Understanding Element IDs

IDs are used in HTML to uniquely identify elements. They allow you to easily target and manipulate specific elements using JavaScript. Let's take a closer look at how IDs work.

What is an ID?

An ID is a unique identifier assigned to an HTML element. It helps differentiate one element from another and allows you to perform specific actions on that element.

Why are IDs Used?

IDs are primarily used to target elements with JavaScript. When you want to change the content or style of a specific element, you can easily do so by referencing its ID.

How to Use an ID

To use an ID, you need to assign it to an element using the id attribute. Here's an example:

<div id="mainbox">        This is the main box.    </div>    

In the example above, the id attribute is set to "mailbox" for the <div> element. This ID can now be used to target and modify the content inside the <div>.

Using JavaScript with IDs

Once you have assigned an ID to an element, you can use JavaScript to access and manipulate that element. Here's an example of changing the background color of the <div> element with the ID "mailbox":

const mainBox = document.getElementById("mainbox"); = "red";    

In the code above, the getElementById() method is used to select the <div> element with the ID "mainbox". The background color of the element is then changed to red using the style property.


An ID is a unique identifier assigned to an HTML element.

IDs are used to target specific elements with JavaScript.

You can assign an ID to an element using the id attribute.

JavaScript can be used to access and manipulate elements using their IDs.

Study Hack: Simplifying CSS Styling

When it comes to designing your website, you have the power to do anything. This includes giving different elements a unique style using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Let's start with understanding how CSS works. With CSS, you can apply styling to specific elements by targeting their IDs or classes. For example, if you want to give a specific element an ID called "mailbox" and apply a border to it, you can write the following code in your CSS stylesheet:

#mainbox { 

   border: 1px solid red; 


In this example, the ID "mailbox" is targeted, and a border of 1 pixel with a solid red color is applied.

Now, let's understand the meaning of classes. Imagine you have a website with 100 elements, and you want to give all of them a red background color. Instead of defining a style for each individual element, you can use a class to target all of them at once. Here's how you can achieve this in CSS:

.red-background { 

   background-color: red; 


In this example, the class "red-background" is defined, and a red background color is applied to all elements that have this class.

By utilizing IDs and classes, you can easily style your website and make changes to multiple elements at once without repeating code.

I will tell you about some styling here, but I don't want to do it now. I will do that when I bring in CSS. However, it's important to understand that for each element, you will need to repeat the styling. So, what can you do to simplify this process? You can create a class called "red bag" and define all the properties you want inside this class. For example, if you want to make the background red, the content white, and add a black border of 2 pixels with a solid style, you can define all these properties in the "red bag" class. Then, you can simply assign the "red bag" class to whichever element you want.

In that, all those properties will come. So what did I do? I defined many things inside the red bag:

The device color should be this

The background should be that

The border should be this

The border color should be that

The margin should be this




Guys, this HTML tutorial covers many topics. If you haven't accessed the playlist yet, kindly do so. We will continue the course from there. In this lesson, we will discuss HTML entities. Before we begin, please bookmark and save this playlist. If you find this video helpful, please remember to like it. Now, let's get started.

In my VS code, I will create a new file named tut11.html.

Study Hack: AI-powered HTML Generator

Here I have created this file. Now, using Emmet, I will add a boilerplate HTML code. Why type so much when we have Emmet? We are in the era of Emmet, so no need to type everything. Let's copy and paste it here. We have already installed Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and we are smart. I will stop my old live server for now and start it again. Now, I will change this document to HTML entities and start my live server. But what are HTML entities? Let's find out.

Suppose here I write a div with a class of "container". And after that, I am writing a paragraph.

And I am writing this in a paragraph. And over here container is of no use. It was just added as a class. Because I have already defined class and id. I just felt like adding class so I added it. It is added when we need to add a name. The class can be multiple. And in multiple elements, there can be the same name class. You must have understood this until now. Okay, this is the paragraph. There is no rocket science. Until here, I have not done any rocket science. I just wrote this in a paragraph. I will write this in another paragraph. In this way, I will write. Then you will say, "Harry bro this is a time waste".

What are you doing? I will tell you what I am doing. Look, it is as if I wrote this in another paragraph. I made another paragraph and if I give spaces like this, what would you expect? You would expect that all spaces should be printed. But look what happened here. These spaces are not printed. Why did this happen? This happens because...

By default, HTML chops off all spaces and considers them as one. If you want to use additional space, you need to use HTML entities. To add a space, you can use the HTML entity.

  is a non-breaking space. It is typically used when you want to add extra space between words or elements in HTML without breaking the line. However, it is not recommended to use it excessively on websites. Instead, use proper CSS and HTML formatting techniques to create spacing.

If you paste text with non-breaking spaces like this, you won't use it that much on your websites. It is important to be aware of its existence, but avoid relying on it to bring spaces in your content.

Here, I have printed this many spaces using. However, it is not visually appealing and should be avoided.

So, it is recommended to remove all the 's from your code. Instead, focus on implementing proper HTML and CSS techniques for spacing elements in your website.

Using Margin and Padding in CSS

In CSS, we can utilize margin and padding to control the spacing and positioning of elements on a webpage. It is important to understand the concepts of margin and padding and how to apply them using CSS selectors and properties.


The margin property controls the space outside the border of an element. By specifying values for margin, we can create space between elements or between an element and its parent container. For example, if we write "margin: 10px;", it means we want to have a margin of 10 pixels around the element.


The padding property controls the space between the content of an element and its border. By specifying values for padding, we can create space within an element. For example, if we write "padding: 20px;", it means we want to have a padding of 20 pixels inside the element.

CSS Selectors and Properties

To apply margin and padding to specific elements, we can use CSS selectors and properties. CSS selectors allow us to target specific elements on a webpage, and CSS properties enable us to modify the appearance and behavior of those elements. By combining selectors and properties, we can style and position elements as desired.

Scenario Example

Let's consider a scenario where we want to style a paragraph element. We can use the "p" selector to target all paragraph elements, and then apply CSS properties to modify their appearance. For instance, if we want to change the font size and color of the paragraph text, we can write:

p {  font-size: 16px;  color: #333;}

By specifying the desired font size and color values, we can customize the appearance of the paragraph text.

The paragraph is written like this. Where is my p? I have written p also over here. But I want to see this on my website. How should I bring this? If I write <p> then it will consider it as a tag. This is a very big problem. How should I solve this? So the solution to the problem is here you write < And over here write >. And as you do this

Now, let's talk about HTML entities. These are special characters that are used in HTML to represent reserved characters. For example, the less than symbol (<) and greater than symbol (>) are reserved characters in HTML. To write these characters in your HTML code, you need to use HTML entities.

HTML entities are not only used for reserved characters but also for writing characters that are not present on your keyboard. These special characters can include symbols like the pound symbol (£) or other special characters that may be required in your text.

Here are some examples of HTML entities:

<p> - Represents the "p" tag in angular brackets.

£ - Represents the pound symbol (£).

… - Represents the ellipsis symbol (...).

© - Represents the copyright symbol (©).

By using HTML entities, you can easily include these special characters in your HTML code and make your content more visually appealing and accurate.

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