HTML Tutorial: Entities & Semantic Tags | Web Development Tutorials #6

HTML Tutorial: Entities & Semantic Tags | Web Development Tutorials #6

Guys, this HTML tutorial covers many topics. If you haven't accessed the playlist yet, kindly do so. We will continue the course from there. In this lesson, we will discuss HTML entities. Before we begin, please bookmark and save this playlist. If you find this video helpful, please remember to like it. Now, let's get started.

In my VS code, I will create a new file named tut11.html.

Study Hack: AI-powered HTML Generator

Here I have created this file. Now, using Emmet, I will add a boilerplate HTML code. Why type so much when we have Emmet? We are in the era of Emmet, so no need to type everything. Let's copy and paste it here. We have already installed Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and are smart. I will stop my old live server for now and start it again. Now, I will change this document to HTML entities and start my live server. But what are HTML entities? Let's find out.

Suppose here I write a div with a class of "container". And after that, I am writing a paragraph.

And I am writing this in a paragraph. And over here container is of no use. It was just added as a class. Because I have already defined class and id. I added class. It is added when we need to add a name. The class can be multiple. And in multiple elements, there can be the same name class. You must have understood this until now. Okay, this is the paragraph. There is no rocket science. Until here, I have not done any rocket science. I just wrote this in a paragraph. I will write this in another paragraph. In this way, I will write. Then you will say, "Harry bro this is a time waste".

What are you doing? I will tell you what I am doing. Look, it is as if I wrote this in another paragraph. I made another paragraph and if I give spaces like this, what would you expect? You would expect that all spaces should be printed. But look what happened here. These spaces are not printed. Why did this happen? This happens because...

By default, HTML chops off all spaces and considers them as one. If you want to use additional space, you need to use HTML entities. To add a space, you can use the HTML entity.

  is a non-breaking space. It is typically used when you want to add extra space between words or elements in HTML without breaking the line. However, it is not recommended to use it excessively on websites. Instead, use proper CSS and HTML formatting techniques to create spacing.

If you paste text with non-breaking spaces like this, you won't use it that much on your websites. It is important to be aware of its existence, but avoid relying on it to bring spaces in your content.

Here, I have printed this many spaces using. However, it is not visually appealing and should be avoided.

So, it is recommended to remove all the 's from your code. Instead, focus on implementing proper HTML and CSS techniques for spacing elements in your website.

Using Margin and Padding in CSS

In CSS, we can utilize margin and padding to control the spacing and positioning of elements on a webpage. It is important to understand the concepts of margin and padding and how to apply them using CSS selectors and properties.


The margin property controls the space outside the border of an element. By specifying values for margin, we can create space between elements or between an element and its parent container. For example, if we write "margin: 10px;", it means we want to have a margin of 10 pixels around the element.


The padding property controls the space between the content of an element and its border. By specifying values for padding, we can create space within an element. For example, if we write "padding: 20px;", it means we want to have a padding of 20 pixels inside the element.

CSS Selectors and Properties

To apply margin and padding to specific elements, we can use CSS selectors and properties. CSS selectors allow us to target specific elements on a webpage, and CSS properties enable us to modify the appearance and behavior of those elements. By combining selectors and properties, we can style and position elements as desired.

Scenario Example

Let's consider a scenario where we want to style a paragraph element. We can use the "p" selector to target all paragraph elements, and then apply CSS properties to modify their appearance. For instance, if we want to change the font size and color of the paragraph text, we can write:

p {  font-size: 16px;  color: #333;}

By specifying the desired font size and color values, we can customize the appearance of the paragraph text.

The paragraph is written like this. Where is my p? I have written p also over here. But I want to see this on my website. How should I bring this? If I write <p> then it will consider it as a tag. This is a very big problem. How should I solve this? So the solution to the problem is here you write < And over here write >. And as you do this

Now, let's talk about HTML entities. These are special characters that are used in HTML to represent reserved characters. For example, the less than symbol (<) and greater than symbol (>) are reserved characters in HTML. To write these characters in your HTML code, you need to use HTML entities.

HTML entities are not only used for reserved characters but also for writing characters that are not present on your keyboard. These special characters can include symbols like the pound symbol (£) or other special characters that may be required in your text.

Here are some examples of HTML entities:

  • <p> - Represents the "p" tag in angular brackets.
  • £ - Represents the pound symbol (£).
  • … - Represents the ellipsis symbol (...).
  • © - Represents the copyright symbol (©).

By using HTML entities, you can easily include these special characters in your HTML code and make your content more visually appealing and accurate.




Semantic Tags in HTML

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of semantic tags in HTML and how they can provide meaning to the elements within our HTML. These semantic tags not only help search engines understand the content of our websites but also assist website analysts in their analysis. Let's explore how semantic tags can be beneficial to us.

How Semantic Tags Help Search Engines

By using semantic tags, we can provide more specific information about the purpose and structure of our HTML elements. For example, if we have a navigation bar in our vlog, we can use the <nav> tag to indicate that it is a navigation bar. This helps search engines like Google understand the purpose of the element and index it accordingly.

How Semantic Tags Help Website Analysts

Semantic tags make it easier for website analysts to analyze the structure and content of a website. By using specific semantic tags, analysts can quickly identify important sections of a webpage, such as the header, footer, or main content. This allows them to gather relevant data more efficiently for their analysis.

How to Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

One important aspect of optimizing your website for search engines is using proper HTML tags. By using tags such as <article>, <header>, and <footer>, search engine parsers can easily understand the structure and content of your website. This increases the chances of your website being indexed and ranked well by Google and other search engines.

In this article, we will explore the importance of using these tags and how they contribute to the search engine optimization of your website.

The Importance of HTML Tags

HTML tags provide a way to structure your website's content and provide additional information to search engines. By using specific tags, you can help search engine parsers understand the purpose and context of different sections of your website.

Understanding the <article> Tag

The <article> tag is used to define a self-contained piece of content within your website. It is typically used to represent blog posts, news articles, or other similar types of content. By using the <article> tag, you indicate to search engines that this section of your website contains valuable and informative content.

Utilizing the <header> and <footer> Tags

The <header> and <footer> tags are used to define the header and footer sections of your website, respectively. These tags help search engines identify the main title or navigation menu of your website (in the case of the <header> tag) and the copyright information or additional links (in the case of the <footer> tag).

Other HTML Tags for Optimization

In addition to the <article>, <header>, and <footer> tags, several other HTML tags can help optimize your website for search engines. These include the <h1> to <h6> tags for headings, <p> tags for paragraphs, <ul> and <li> tags for unordered lists, and <code> tags for displaying code snippets.


By using appropriate HTML tags, you can improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results. Properly structured content is more likely to be indexed and recognized as valuable by search engines like Google. Remember to utilize tags such as <article>, <header>, and <footer> to optimize your website's structure and enhance its search engine optimization.

HTML Blog: How to Create a Website - Tutorial 12

Today, we will be discussing the basic structure of a website. I understand that some of you may be wondering why I am repeating this information, but I still receive comments from viewers who are new to the series. So, I will continue to provide this introduction until those comments stop coming in.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out the playlist for this tutorial series. You can bookmark it here and save it for later. This will allow you to watch the videos in a step-by-step manner.

Getting Started

Let's begin by adding the boilerplate code for HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>How to Create a Website</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Once you have added the above code, you can start building your website by adding content within the <body> tag.

Understanding CSS and Semantic Elements

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of CSS and semantic elements in web development. Let's dive in!

Introduction to Semantics

Semantics refers to the meaning and structure of the HTML elements used in a webpage. It plays a crucial role in enhancing the readability and accessibility of the content.

Using CSS for Styling

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to define the visual appearance of a webpage. It allows web developers to apply different styles, such as colors, fonts, and layouts, to HTML elements.

Getting Started with Live Server

Before we proceed, let's set up a live server to see the changes in real time. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your preferred code editor.
  2. Create an HTML file and add the necessary code.
  3. Install the Live Server extension (if not already installed).
  4. Click on the "Go Live" button to start the live server.

Once the live server is up and running, you can make changes to your HTML and CSS files and see them reflected immediately.

That is to give meaning to any one word, it is okay. What is the meaning of a word? It is called Semantics.

Language Semantics

If we talk about websites, in the past they were primarily built using div tags. Different div elements with various classes and IDs were used to structure the website, specifying that one ID is the header and another is the footer. However, this approach did not provide a way to indicate to search engines the purpose of each element.

For example, consider the use of HTML semantic tags:

  • <header>: Used for the header section of a webpage.
  • <footer>: Used for the footer section of a webpage.

By utilizing these semantic tags, we can provide more meaningful information about the structure of our webpage to search engines.

Welcome to the Study Hack AI Blog

Today, we will be discussing some useful study hacks to help you improve your learning experience. Let's dive right in!

Enlarging Images for Better Visibility

Have you ever struggled to see small images on your screen while studying? Well, worry no more! Here's a simple hack to enlarge images and make them more visible:

  1. Open the image you want to enlarge.
  2. Click on the image to select it.
  3. Use the zoom-in feature on your browser or image viewer to increase the size of the image.
  4. Enjoy a clearer and more detailed view of the image!

By following these steps, you can easily enhance your study materials by enlarging images for better visibility.

Organizing Your Study Materials

Effective organization is key to successful studying. Here are some tips to help you keep your study materials organized:

  • Create folders or binders for each subject to store your notes, handouts, and other study materials.
  • Label your folders or binders with the subject name and semester to easily locate specific materials.
  • Use color-coded tabs or dividers to separate different topics or chapters within each subject.
  • Utilize digital tools like note-taking apps or cloud storage to keep your files organized and easily accessible.

By organizing your study materials, you can save time and avoid the frustration of searching for misplaced notes or materials.

Summarizing Texts for Better Understanding

When faced with large blocks of text, it can be challenging to grasp the main ideas. Here's a study hack to help you summarize texts and improve your understanding:

  1. Read the text carefully to identify the main points and key arguments.
  2. Highlight or underline the most important information.
  3. Use bullet points or numbered lists to condense the main ideas.
  4. Paraphrase the text in your own words to ensure comprehension.

By summarizing texts, you can break down complex information into digestible chunks, making it easier to study and remember.

Adding Code Snippets for Practice

If you're studying programming or any coding-related subjects, incorporating code snippets into your study materials can be extremely helpful. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Identify the specific code you want to include in your study materials.
  2. Format the code using the appropriate syntax highlighting for better readability.
  3. Explain the purpose and functionality of the code snippet clearly and concisely.
  4. Practice writing and modifying the code to enhance your understanding and skills.

By including code snippets, you can actively engage with the material and reinforce your programming knowledge.

Study Hacks: AI-powered HTML Blog Generation

In this study hack, we will explore how to generate an HTML blog using AI. We will cover various elements such as formulas, bullet points, headers, and code snippets.

HTML Blog Generation

Generating an HTML blog using AI can be a powerful tool for content creators. It allows for the quick and efficient creation of blog posts with various features.


One of the key features of an HTML blog is the ability to include formulas. These formulas can be used to display mathematical equations or scientific notations.

Bullet Points

Bullet points are a great way to present information in a concise and organized manner. They can be used to list key points or steps in a process.


Headers are used to structure the content of an HTML blog. They help to break up the text and make it easier to navigate for the readers.

Code Snippets

Code snippets are essential for technical blogs. They allow readers to see and understand the code being discussed in the blog post.


In summary, generating an HTML blog using AI can be a valuable tool for content creators. It allows for the inclusion of formulas, bullet points, headers, and code snippets, making the blog post more informative and engaging for readers.

Study Hack: How to Maximize Your Learning Potential

Do you ever feel like you're not getting the most out of your study sessions? Are you tired of spending hours reading textbooks and still not retaining the information? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we will share some study hacks that will help you maximize your learning potential.

1. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks your study time into intervals. Here's how it works:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  • Study or work on a task until the timer goes off.
  • Take a short break (around 5 minutes).
  • Repeat the process three more times.
  • After completing four cycles, take a longer break (around 15-30 minutes).

2. Summarize Large Blocks of Text

When you come across a large block of text, it can be overwhelming and difficult to retain the information. Instead of trying to read every word, summarize the main points in your own words. This will not only help you understand the material better but also make it easier to remember.

3. Use Bullet Points and Headers

Breaking down information into bullet points and headers can make it easier to digest and remember. Bullet points allow you to quickly scan the key points of a topic, while headers provide an overview of the main sections. This organizational strategy can help you study more efficiently.

4. Practice Active Learning

Instead of passively reading or listening to lectures, engage with the material through active learning techniques. This can include:

  • Taking notes
  • Summarizing information in your own words
  • Teaching the material to someone else
  • Participating in group discussions

5. Break Down Complex Concepts with Diagrams

If you're struggling to understand a complex concept, try creating a diagram or flowchart to visualize the information. This visual representation can help you see the connections between different ideas and make it easier to grasp the overall concept.

6. Utilize Online Resources and Study Apps

Take advantage of the vast array of online resources and study apps available. These tools can provide additional explanations, practice questions, and interactive activities to reinforce your learning.

7. Get Plenty of Sleep

Lastly, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Studies have shown that sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation and learning. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to optimize your brain function.

By implementing these study hacks, you can make your study sessions more efficient and effective. Remember, it's not about how long you study, but how well you study!

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