HTML Tutorial: Entities & Semantic Tags | Web Development Tutorials #7


All About CSS

In the previous video, we discussed the basics of CSS and why it is used. In this article, we will dive deeper into the topic.

CSS Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explore how CSS is implemented and used. We will create a new file called "tut13.html" and begin by adding the HTML boilerplate.

Implementing CSS on our Page

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement CSS on our webpage. We will focus on using a separate CSS file and won't consider JavaScript.

Okay, so I wrote this here. Oops, I made a mistake here. No problem, I will use the Go Live feature in VS code, and my live server will run, opening this file live.

Inline CSS: A Quick Overview

This blog post will provide a brief overview of inline CSS and how it can be implemented in HTML. Inline CSS allows for making changes to a webpage without the need to reload it. There are three main ways to implement CSS in HTML, and inline CSS is one of them.

What is Inline CSS?

Inline CSS refers to the practice of placing CSS code directly within HTML elements. This allows for styling specific elements without the need for an external CSS file or a <style> tag in the HTML document.

The Advantages of Inline CSS

  • Immediate changes: With inline CSS, any modifications made to the code will be reflected immediately without the need to reload the webpage.
  • Simplicity: Inline CSS is straightforward and easy to implement, especially for small-scale styling changes.
  • Specificity: Inline CSS targets individual elements, allowing for precise styling.

Implementing Inline CSS

Implementing inline CSS involves adding the style attribute to HTML elements and providing the desired CSS properties and values within the attribute.


        <p style="color: blue; font-size: 16px;">This text is styled with inline CSS.</p>    


Inline CSS is a useful method for making immediate changes to HTML elements without the need to reload the webpage. It offers simplicity, specificity, and precision when it comes to styling specific elements.

If I make the style like this style="color: red;" and save it.

Here, you will see that the color is set to red. This means that I wrote one line of CSS code to change the style. You may think that this is the best technique, but let me tell you why it is not. If you use inline CSS and write all the styling within your HTML, it will become messy and difficult to manage. Therefore, it is better to use internal and external CSS instead. Now, let's move on to internal CSS.

As you can see, the background color has become yellow. And along with this, I can do many more things.

I won't go into that now. Here, I will only take you to the next step and say to add a style tag inside the head section. Like this, I wrote "style". So, my style tag is added. Now, what I will do is first of all add a selector.


Understanding CSS Selectors

In CSS selectors, the first element is the selector itself, followed by the property and its value.

This is CSS syntax. If I wrote "p" here, it will select all the paragraphs in my markup and set their color to blue. CSS selectors are used to find the element whose property will be set.

When using CSS, you need to select the HTML elements you want to style. The CSS selector helps you target and select these elements. You can select single or multiple elements using different selectors.

Today, we will be discussing two important concepts in CSS: class selectors and grouping selectors. These selectors play a crucial role in styling elements on a webpage. Let's dive into Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to understand how they work.

First, let's run the live server in VS Code and start coding. We will be using the four CSS selectors mentioned earlier. So, let's get started!

Class Selectors

Class selectors are used to target specific elements on a webpage based on their class attribute. By assigning a class name to an element, we can easily style multiple elements with the same class using CSS.

Grouping Selectors

Grouping selectors allow us to apply styles to multiple elements at once by grouping them together. We can group elements based on their tag, class, or ID. This saves us time and effort by avoiding repetitive styling code.

In conclusion, understanding and implementing class selectors and grouping selectors in CSS can significantly enhance our web development workflow. So, let's start coding and explore the possibilities!

HTML Blog: CSS Selectors

Today, we will be discussing CSS Selectors and how they can be used to style HTML elements. To follow along, open your preferred text editor and create a new file named tut14.html.

Getting Started

Let's start by setting up the basic structure of our HTML file. Open tut14.html and add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html><html>  <head>    <title>CSS Selectors Tutorial</title>    <style>      /* Internal CSS goes here */    </style>  </head>  <body>    <!-- Your content goes here -->  </body></html>

Make sure to save the file after adding the code.

Understanding CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors are used to target specific HTML elements in order to apply styles to them. They allow you to select elements based on their tag name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

Tag Selectors

The most basic type of CSS selector is the tag selector. It targets all elements of a specific tag. For example, if you want to style all paragraphs in your HTML document, you can use the following CSS rule:

p {  color: blue;}

This will make all paragraphs in your document appear in blue text.

Class Selectors

Class selectors are used to target elements with a specific class name. To apply a class to an HTML element, you can use the class attribute. For example, let's say you have a class named "highlight" that you want to apply to certain elements:

<p class="highlight">This paragraph is highlighted.</p>

Then, in your CSS, you can use the class selector to style elements with the "highlight" class:

.highlight {  background-color: yellow;}

This will give a yellow background color to all elements with the "highlight" class.

ID Selectors

ID selectors are used to target elements with a specific ID. To apply an ID to an HTML element, you can use the id attribute. For example, let's say you have an element with the ID "myElement" that you want to style:

<p id="myElement">This is my element.</p>

Then, in your CSS, you can use the ID selector to style the element with the ID "myElement":

#myElement {  font-weight: bold;}

This will make the text inside the element with the ID "myElement" appear bold.


CSS Selectors are a powerful tool for styling HTML elements. By using different types of selectors, you can target specific elements and apply styles to them. Experiment with different selectors and see how they affect your web page!

Study Hack: AI for HTML Blog Generation

In this blog post, we will explore how to generate an HTML blog using AI. We will cover various elements such as formulas, bullet points, headers, and code snippets.

Simple Selector

Let's start with a simple selector. We have a paragraph and we want to change its color to red. To do this, we can use the following code:

p {  color: red;}


  • Use AI to generate an HTML blog.
  • Add formulas, bullet points, headers, and code snippets.
  • To change the color of a paragraph to red, use the CSS code:
p {  color: red;}

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